Index Vulnerabilidades
22 enero 2009
Publicaremos poco a poco nuevas vulnerabilidades que vayan apareciendo e intentaremos explicar la forma más sencilla de corregir y/o parchear ésta, a la par que indicando un poco por encima de qué trata cada vulnerabilidad :-)
Elgg 1.8 beta2 and prior to 1.7.11 'container_guid' and 'owner_guid' SQL Injection
Calisto light, light plus and full, SQL Injection and user or Admin bypass
Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 race condition Vulnerability
Google Chrome Instaled extensions arbitrary detection
Safari for windows Invalid SGV text style Webkit.dll DoS
Google Chrome and Chrome frame Prompt DoS
Safari for windows Long link DoS
K-Meleon for windows about:neterror Stack Overflow DoS
Google Services Notifier Chrome extension XSS/CSRF
Notifier for Google Wave Chrome extension XSS/CSRF
Gmail Checker plus Chrome extension XSS/CSRF (Parte II)
Gmail Checker plus Chrome extension XSS
Firefox 3.6.2 & 3.6.3 and flock 2.5 browsers uncaught excepcion DoS
Flock browser marquee tag DoS
Internet explorer 7 & 8 URL Validation Vulnerability
Internet explorer 6, 7 y 8 URL Validation Vulnerability
Google Chrome Frame null domain XSS
Wowd search client multiple variable XSS pudo ver sus datos comprometidos
IE8 Save as Title Bug
Multiple Browsers Fake url folder & file Same origin Spoof WebmasterAuthenticationInformationPage.aspx XSS
Internet explorer pwned Avant Browser
Orca Browser browser:home Persistent XSS vulnerability
Avant Browser browser:home Vulnerabilidades XSS Persistentes Search engine, cache.aspx XSS
Google Chrome About:blank spoof
Google Chrome close() issue
Comtrend HG536+ poligon firmware tftp vulnerable
Caja Granada parchea su web
Ejecución automática de aplicaciones en Safari 4
Vulnerabilidades en Comtrend HG536+
IE8 beta RC1 res://ieframe.dll/acr_error.htm Spoofing
Vulnerabilidad en GMail permite cambiar la contraseña de acceso sin permiso alguno
Entidades bancarias españolas ante el phishing II
Safari 3.2.1 for Windows SafariURL protocol Handler abusse(null Deference)
Safari for Windows 3.2.1 Remote http: URI handler DoS
La banca española ante el phising
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